看国外 | John Gadd:增强生猪免疫力,猪场可以怎么做?

看国外 2019-09-27 17:14:10

Immunity in pig production is not a particularly easy subject. It all starts with producing knowing what they doing and making sure that they are not making things too easy for pathogens, writes pig management John Gadd.

在生猪生产中,免疫不是一个特别容易的课题。猪场管理专家John Gadd写道,这一切都始于对生猪行为的了解,并确保它们不会轻易受病原体入侵。

Immunity is firstly defined as ‘security against a particular disease’ and secondly, it is a huge and complicated subject. We all know both of these are truisms, but what is less understood among many pig producers is the considerable part their actions on their own farm can play in mitigating disease.


I would go so far as claiming that what the farmer can do for himself is the very cornerstone of immunity in his case. Vaccines, biosecurity, veterinary supervision, how nutrition can help – or sometimes hinder an adequate immune status, what the breeding companies can do to make things easier… All are important, many are essential – sure!



A finisher pig at a trough in a farm in Italy that is actively working on achieving a higher immunity status for its pigs. Photo: Henk Riswick

图片为意大利一个正在使生猪获得更高免疫力的猪场,图中一头育肥猪料槽边。图:Henk Riswick

Take one of these, vaccines, for example. An important weapon in the acquisition of certain essential immunities, but they need to be targeted at the right disease and used at the right time. Even so, if the farmer has prepared the ground/made things easier for them, then they’ll be more effective in both the short term and long term. And cheaper too.


Doing the sums


I have done the sums and published them, see for instance Tables 1 and 2. But vaccines can be overused. I was working extensively in the USA in the 1990s, when their pig producers were assailed by 11 major virus and bacterial diseases. With the vaccine protocol(s) advised by the veterinary authorities, sometimes 6 or more being used at the same time. Such an all-encompassing (what we called a ‘blunderbuss’ approach) seemed then to the pig people to be a likely way out.


Table 1 - Before and after results from using a pig specialist veterinarian to disease profile three farms. Extra vaccination and remodelling costs included (US$ /sow).

表1 -使用专业兽医对三个猪场进行疾病概况分析前后的结果。额外的疫苗接种和改造费用包括在内(美元/母猪)。


The result was nearly a national pig disaster for them, the hoped-for protective immune systems were overloaded and disease levels became rampant, not controlled. I happened to be there to help the local ‘GP’ vets clear up the mess – the answer was to go back to basic immune encouragement actions on the farm, not necessarily rely on the factory. Then things started to improve in the 2000s.


So this and the following article suggest the main things the pig producer can do before the helpful ancillary actions are needed to assist a good protective state of immunity. Some cost a bit more money, others nothing at all apart from vigilance and effort.


Golden rules of establishing an effective immune status


On any farm, of any size and location.


1. Get a vet to disease-profile your herd. He can only do this by regular attendance. Things change; nature does this to protect itself, so regular check-tests are needed to keep pace with what disease throws at you. In this way you are one step ahead of nature. And can take the right countermeasures in good time. Does it pay? Yes, see Table 1.

1. 找个兽医来检查猪群的疾病情况。他只有经常来访才能做到这一点。事情一直在变化;大自然这样做是为了保护自己,所以需要定期检查来跟上疾病的步伐。这样你就走在了大自然的前面,并能及时采取正确的对策。这么做值得吗?是的,见表1。

2. Never, never overstock! Overstocking is an open invitation for any hostile micro-organisms to enter your herd and do their worst, as immunity is compromised. This is where breeding firms can help. Only a few docile strains with the right genes can cope, but most will not. With housing costs accelerating it is a major temptation to crowd more in. It just doesn’t pay (Table 2). Savings in lower housing costs from 15% overstocking were £0.64/pig (€ 0.72). Net gain therefore from not overstocking was £3.05/pig (€ 3.45).

2. 永远不要过度养殖!过度养殖相当于公开邀请有害微生物进入猪群,并且由于免疫系统妥协了,病毒就可以肆意妄为。这就是育种公司可以发挥作用的地方。只有少数具有正确基因的菌株可以应对,但大多数做不到。栏舍成本的加速上涨,加剧了圈养更多生猪的念头。但这样做根本不划算(表2)。多饲养15%的生猪,节省下来的住房成本为每头猪0.64英镑(折合0.72欧元)。因此,不过度养殖的净收益为每头猪3.05英镑(折合3.45欧元)。

Table 2 - Likely costs incurred by overstocking a nursery and a finishing house by 15% (about one more pig in a pen designed to take 12). £1 = €…

表2 -一个保育舍和一个育肥猪舍过度养殖可能产生的成本为15%(约等于在一个可容纳12头猪的猪圈内再增加一头猪)。£1 =€……




作者:John Gadd



