看国外 | Monique:非洲猪瘟紧张局势下,大规模清群具有挑战性

看国外 2019-01-28 13:56:20

 来源:Pig Progress


Assistant professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, US


The recent outbreaks of African Swine Fever in Europe and Asia sometimes have far-reaching consequences, of having to depopulate entire farms. It is vital that the process is carried out with a keen eye in order to minimise stress or pain for the animals, writes pig welfare expert Dr Monique Pairis-Garcia.

近期在欧洲及亚洲持续爆发非洲猪瘟,由于需要彻底清群,常常产生深远影响。生猪福利专家Monique Pairis-Garcia博士写道,这个过程的执行需要敏锐的眼光,以尽力减少生猪的应激或痛苦。

African Swine Fever has continued to maintain its relevancy in the start of the New Year. With the most recent outbreaks reported in Mongolia and Gansu province of China, our vigilance remains heightened as the concern for continued spreading remains. Apart from the concerns on how this disease will impact economics and trade on the international level, understanding the impact of foreign animal diseases on pig welfare is extremely important.


Large-scale eradication is challenging


Large-scale eradication of any species is logistically and emotionally challenging. Depopulation of livestock species occurs most commonly as a means to minimise the spread of a disease by controlling or eradicating the population affected. Unlike euthanasia, which is defined by the American Veterinary Medical Association as ending the life of an animal in a way that minimises or eliminates pain and distress.



An empty pig house after this farm had to be depopulated due to ASF. Photo: Vincent ter Beek


Depopulation includes destroying animals in a quick and efficient manner while taking into account the welfare of these animals as much as possible. Animal welfare at the time of depopulation may be compromised when the resources available and urgency of the situation fails to allow the producer to implement the most humane method of euthanasia possible.


What to consider when working in ASF areas?


Given the circumstances that surround us in the face of ASF, the following points originating from the World Organization for Animal Health Terrestrial Animal Health Code should be considered for all that work directly with pigs in areas that are or may be infected with ASF.


· The depopulation technique utilised should be effective for the species and age of the pig. Euthanising mature boars and sows can be difficult given skull shape and thickness. When utilising firearms or captive bolt guns, Ensuring appropriate firearm type and cartridge load is critical;

· Methods should be used that result in immediate death or loss of consciousness;

· Personnel implementing depopulation should have the skills and experienceto do so effectively;

· Distress and suffering should be minimised prior to loss of consciousness. This includes minimising the amount of handling and restraint required to implement the euthanasia technique;

· Infected animals should be killed first, followed by animals within contact and those remaining on the site;

· The psychological and emotional impact of depopulation by those performing the act and owners of animals must be addressed.

· 所采用的技术应对猪的种类和年龄有效。考虑到头骨的形状和厚度,对成年公猪和母猪实施安乐死是很困难的。使用枪械或自锁螺栓枪时,确保适当的枪械类型和弹药量至关重要;

· 应使用立即致死或失去意识的方法;

· 实施清群的人员应具备有效做到这一点的技能和经验;

· 在失去意识之前,应尽量减少猪所遭受的应激和痛苦。这包括尽量减少实施安乐死技术所需的处理和限制;

· 应首先杀死受感染的生猪,然后杀死接触到的生猪,最后是留在现场的动物;

· 必须解决清群对执行人和农场主的心理和情感的影响。

Ensuring an appropriate method for depopulation


Although no one wants to have this happen to his or her site, ensuring an appropriate method for depopulation that takes into account the welfare of the animal is important. It is often a failure in preparation and lack of resources that result in the implementation of inappropriate methods for depopulation.


It is our ethical responsibility as caretakers and members of the swine industry that we ensure good individual welfare in the situations in which we are in control. Identifying and preparing for the worst case scenario will not only allow us to better minimise risk and decrease disease risk, but maintain the integrity of ensuring the welfare of our animal remains a priority regardless of the scenario placed before us.




