看国外 | 断奶年龄研究:28天断奶,效益可提高6欧元?(下)

看国外 2019-06-19 10:57:55



Influence of weaning on farm results


At weaning, two big changes occur for piglets: a change of diet and weaning stress.


Normally, a pig of a sow having a conventional milk production will only drink milk in the first 13-15 days of its life and not consume a lot of feed. Should weaning move to three weeks, then piglets only have one week to get used to the transition, whereas especially a normal pig is increasing its feed intake between three and four weeks of age. In addition, older pigs can more efficiently absorb nutrients as their gastro-intestinal tract is more mature.


Weaning stress comes into existence as many things change. Think of:

• Loss of maternal protection as sow milk-derived antibodies will be absent;

• Change of environment;

• Mixing of litters;

• Change of diet and consumption behaviour.







At weaning, two major changes can be observed: dietary changes as well as weaning stress. 

Photo: Dr Merel Postma


图:Merel Postma博士

Back in 2009, the Spanish swine consultant José Barceló stated that piglets weaned at three weeks will be more vocal (e.g. by ‘crying’) after weaning (3.6 times per minute) compared to piglets weaned at four weeks (2.3-2.9 times per minute). In a study comparing weaning at four and seven weeks respectively, the stress hormone cortisol was lower at weaning at seven weeks when compared to four weeks. In addition, earlier-weaned piglets will display unpleasant behaviour like tail biting, ear sucking, breaking out, pushing, biting and nose thumping.

早在2009年,西班牙养猪顾问Jose Barcelo就指出,在断奶后,三周龄断奶的仔猪(每分钟3.6次) 与四周龄断奶的仔猪(每分钟2.3-2.9次)相比,会发出更多声音(例如“哭泣”)。在一项分别比较4周龄断奶和7周龄断奶的研究中,在断奶7周时,压力荷尔蒙皮质醇水平比断奶4周时的要低。此外,早期断奶仔猪还会出现咬尾、吮耳、破壳、推搡、啃咬和撞击鼻子等行为。

Piglets weaned at an older age will be heavier as well. These animals will often have a more efficient growth and lower mortality figures. At a too young weaning age, however, a growth check can be the result around weaning. That effect can continue into the finisher phase, where a worse growth in virtually the entire pig life can be observed. José Barceló, in 2009, even stated that for optimal performance in the finisher phase, a piglet should have an average weight of 7.5-8 kg, of which less than 10% of the animals should weigh less than 6 kg. A figure which is virtually impossible to achieve with weaning at 21 days. It is, however, possible with weaning at 28 days.

较晚断奶的仔猪也会更重。而且通常生长率更高、死亡率更低。而断奶年龄太小,生长抑制可能发生在断奶前后。这种影响可以持续到育肥阶段,在这个阶段,几乎可以观察到整个猪的生长都在恶化。Jose Barcelo在2009年甚至指出,为了在育肥阶段达到最佳性能,仔猪的平均体重应该在7.5-8公斤之间,其中,体重在6公斤以下的仔猪不应超过10%。这个数字在21天时断奶几乎是不可能达到的。然而,在28天断奶则有可能实现。

With regard to sow performance results, weaning later also provides an advantage in relation to the next litter. José Barceló stated that with Spanish data, an economic improvement of € 6 per pig can be achieved, should there be weaning at 28 days instead of at 21 days.

就母猪性能结果而言,晚断奶与下一窝相比也具有优势。Jose Barcelo表示,根据西班牙的数据,如果断奶时间从21天延长到28天,那么每头猪的经济效益可以增加6欧元。

Weaning age and antibiotic use


In the study mentioned earlier, comparing pig farms in Belgium, France, Germany and Sweden, there was also attention paid to antibiotic usage on the total phase from birth to slaughter. Farms weaning at a younger age, often used more antibiotics between birth to slaughter. The idea behind that is – once more – that with weaning at a higher age the piglet will be more robust and more resilient. The animal will therefore be less susceptible for pathogens, resulting in lower need for antibiotics. In Scandinavia, often the weaning age is higher and these countries happen to be the most modest users of antibiotics in Europe.


In a very recent project in Flanders, Belgium, in total 16 farms focused on reducing antibiotic usage for a time frame of roughly nine months. Seven of these farms managed to send the majority of their pigs to the slaughterhouse completely without the usage of antibiotics – from birth to slaughter. Remarkable: on average these seven farms had a weaning age of 26 days – compared to an average weaning age of 23 days of those nine farms that ‘only’ managed to reduce antibiotics usage. More proof that weaning age and antibiotics usage are correlated.




