
看国外 2018-12-14 16:38:09

来源:Pig Progress

With the ongoing spread of African Swine Fever in China, the use of swill has been identified as a culprit. No matter how important it is to pay more attention to food and feed safety, it is also wise to remind ourselves of how to produce sustainably as well, writes Pig Progress editor Vincent ter Beek.

随着非洲猪瘟在中国持续蔓延,泔水的使用已被确定为罪魁祸首。Pig Progress的编辑Vincent ter Beek写道,无论关注食品和饲料安全有多么重要,提醒自己如何以可持续的方式生产也是明智之举。

Kitchen waste, according to the Chinese authorities, has been one of the major causes for the spread of African Swine Fever through China. For that reason, the authorities have banned its use for feeding to pigs.



In doing so, the Chinese are rapidly learning a lesson that the British learnt the hard way 2 decades ago. In 2001, the country spent £8 billion (€ 9 billion) to get rid of the aftermath of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreaks which cost the lives of millions of sheep and cattle. “The epidemic was probably caused” – I’m quoting Wikipedia here – “by pigs which had been fed infected rubbish that had not been properly heat-sterilised.” 

这个过程,中国迅速吸取了英国人近20年前的惨痛教训。2001年,英国花费了80亿英镑(90亿欧元)来解决口蹄疫(FMD)爆发带来的后果,数百万头绵羊和牛死于这场疾病。“这种流行病可能是由食用了未经恰当加热消毒的厨余垃圾的生猪引起的” ——引自维基百科。

The danger of feeding swill to animals


The severity of that lesson can be seen on a daily basis at social media. Especially in areas where African Swine Fever has not emerged, i.e. most countries in Western Europe, but also northern America, veterinarians, nutritionists and other agricultural experts leave no opportunity unused to warn for the danger of feeding swill to animals. After all, depending on the type of substrate it is on, ASF virus can live from several months up to several years even.


Make no mistake – I do perfectly understand the ‘why’ behind each of their words as the fate of an entire industry is at stake. Yet there’s something else that needs attention.


Vision for the future of agriculture


For that, follow me to my country the Netherlands. This September, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality launched a ‘vision’ for the future (all in Dutch, I’m afraid). No policy document yet, but a package of ideas where the country will likely have to go. 

Key to this vision is the concept of a circular economy, with words like ‘local’ and ‘re-use’ being common. The thought is that the Netherlands should become a leader in circular economy, and should have an agriculture that can do without synthetic fertilisers, which will not erode the soil and will take care of both biodiversity as well as animal welfare. It has been received with a mixture of opinions – from praise to heavy criticism.


On the closing of the circular production chains, the Netherlands agricultural minister Carola Schouten said: “[This should happen] within a farm, a region, the Netherlands or even within international trade. The motto should be: arrange things locally if it can be done locally, arrange things regionally or internationally if you have to. Leftovers from the agricultural sector and the food chains have to be re-used or re-processed to new products.”

对于循环经济生产链的最后一环,荷兰农业部长Carola Schouten说:“这应该在农场内、地区中、荷兰境内甚至国际贸易中。我们的座右铭应该是:如果可以在当地进行,则在当地解决,必要的时候,可以在区域或国际范围内解决。农业生产和食物链的残余物必须重新使用或重新加工成新产品”。

The circular economy and animal husbandry


What that all means for animal husbandry? It means that feed should come increasingly from own soil or at least from areas close by. By-products from other sectors will come back as animal feed. The emission of greenhouse gases, dust particles, odour and ammonia will have to come down further; animal welfare and animal health will get a stronger priority. The exact roll-out of the circular economy will determine how many animals exactly can be kept.



Especially the phrase ‘leftovers from the agricultural sector and the food chains’ is intriguing. Far from this being a call to immediately start re-using swill as feed, it is an attempt by the Dutch authorities to start thinking more and better how (industrial) left-overs can be used more cleverly. And bear in mind that this call happened in an advanced industry where there is already a great deal of re-use of by-products.


Important message for swine producers


I think the vision holds an important message for agricultural experts and swine producers all over the planet. In an attempt to provide more food for all people, intensive livestock production has been encouraged everywhere over the last few decades. As countries and consumers grew richer, not only food security issues but also food safety and even food quality issues have become important.



For professional livestock farms all over the world, this means that the majority of animal nutrition is being produced in feed mills, using ingredients often specifically grown or produced for consumption by livestock. A controlled process, in which each step is controlled and each introduction of bad substances is excluded as much as possible – from mycotoxins to bacteria or viruses.


Worlds need to come together


In the message of the Netherlands ministry, I hear that that world needs to come together with that of other industries, including that of waste management. If we want to be thinking of a more sustainable way of producing, we can simply not ignore the variety of leftovers, by-products and even waste that is becoming available every year.


Making the re-use process reliable, flawless and in line with the high demands of modern-day swine farmers, feed mills, retail stores, critical consumers as well as political institutions in my view, may seem like a huge challenge – yet it is one we need to address. When possible, it needs to happen to produce more sustainably in the future.

在我看来,如何使重复使用过程可靠、完美,并符合现代养猪场、饲料厂、零售商、严格的消费者以及政府机构的高要求,可能看起来是一个巨大的挑战 - 但却是我们需要解决的问题。实现的话,未来生产将更具可持续性。

A new taboo on ingredients?


What I am worried about, however, is that this thought process is slowed down substantially, as a result of African Swine Fever. Now everybody is being so concerned about using swill as feed, I’m quite afraid that the broader, contextual thinking about re-use of ingredients in general is also receiving that label of ‘taboo’.


I can imagine being extremely careful about ingredients is the right thing for the swine business on the short term. But please, let’s just not forget thinking about the longer term as well.




